News & EventsTionól
Bíonn Tionól againn gach Aoine. Every Friday we have our weekly Tionól. Bíonn paidreacha againn agus an nuacht. Our news items remind us of some of the activities of our week. Ansin bíonn réamhfhaisnéis seachtaine leis an aimsir. This week we were warned to be careful...
Cluiche Clóis. Caith agus Síos
We are learning some games that we can play as Gaeilge. Léirigh an coiste an cluiche seo. Bhaineamar taitneamh as an cluiche nua ‘Caith agus Síos’.
Blast Artist Residency Programme
We are extremely fortunate again here in Deravoy to be awarded a place on the Blast Residency Programme, coordinated locally by Monaghan Education Centre. Tá an t-ádh orainn.The aim of Blast is to provide pupils a time and space to work with a professional artist on...
Seo seanfhocal na Shamhna
Each month our coiste for our Gaelbhratach prepares a seanfhocal. This month our seanfhocal is….. Giorraíonn beirt bóthar.
Triúch Abú!
Tháinig na peileadóirí go dtí ár scoil le dhá chorn speisialta. Chuir na páistí fáilte mhór rompu. Thanks to the Truagh footballers who visited our school after their great achievement of winning the league. As always, we are immensely proud of them and grateful that...
Volcanoes in Science Week
We had great fun making volcanoes during Science Week.
No Idling Campaign
This morning our Green Schools Committee launched our No Idling Campaign! This campaigns goal is to reduce the emissions round our school during drop off and collection! Sergeant Mc Kenna was our traffic warden making sure people turned off their ignition when...
Réalt na Seachtaine 15/11/24
Home Made Lava Lamps
1st & 2nd class made home made lava lamps as part of Science Week 2024 in Deravoy N.S.
Cluichí Scoile
Seo cluiche clóis! Bhaineamar taitneamh as an damhsa sa pháirc leis na compánaigh. We love to do games as Gaeilge outside. Bíonn spórt againn. Our Gaelbhratach committee helped us to organise. Chuidigh an Coiste don Ghaelbhratach linn.
Shoe Box Appeal
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Show Box Appeal this year. Your generosity shows great kindness to children around the world who are not lucky enough to have as much as we do.
Spelling Award
Réalt na Seachtaine 8/10/24
Oíche Shamhna!
Bhí ceiliúradh mór againn do Oíche Shamhna sa scoil. Rinne gach clann puimcín! Bhí siad le feiceáil istigh sa scoil imbliana mar bhí an lá fliuch. All the families in the school worked hard to create and carve their special pumpkin. Other Halloween art work was also...
Dress Up Day at Deravoy!
We held our annual Dress Up Day on the day of our Halloween holidays, when the children dressed up as their favourite book characters and then introduced their characters to everyone. Their presentations were well thought out and delivered confidently. We meet a lot...
Réalt na Seachtaine 25/10/2024
Parkanaur Day 2
Our final day on the Speedwell Project brought us back again to Parkanaur Forest Park near Dungannon. We met our friends from Killylea Primary School. We reflected on the programme and how we have learned so much from each other. Once again, our mixed school groups...
Soccer with Euan
We are lucky enough to have Euan from FAI coming to our school to conduct soccer training with all our classes. The 6 weeks have now finished and we really enjoyed having him with us.
STEM Coding Week
All the children in the school had the opportunity to enjoy Coding Week. They enjoyed working with the Beebots and the Lego We Do. It’s an opportunity for all the children to further develop their digital literacy skills in a fun and engaging manner. Bhain na páistí...
Speedwell Trust Project Workshops
As part of our Speedwell Cross Border Cross Community, Our school, along with Killylea Primary School, participated in a number of really interesting workshops on culture, emblems, stereotypes, prejudice, discrimination and issues affecting our communities and the...
Maths Week at Deravoy
We incorporated lots of extra active indoor and outdoor activities into our Maths classes to celebrate Maths week. The children also did some wonderful work on exploring fractions, decimals and percentages into every day life situations.