St. Brigid’s Day         Lá le Bríde

St. Brigid’s Day         Lá le Bríde

At Deravoy, we celebrated our national saint, Naomh Bríd, in different ways. Every child in the school made a St. Brigid’s cross. Our buddies from rang a cúig agus rang a sé helped the infant and junior classes. This has been a long tradition in our school now,...
Christmas is coming!

Christmas is coming!

We are looking forward to Santa coming to Carrickroe. The children from Junior & Senior Infants wrote and posted their Santa letters. We are being very good in the hope that Santa will bring some lovely Christmas.
Blast Artist Residency Programme

Blast Artist Residency Programme

We are extremely fortunate again here in Deravoy to be awarded a place on the Blast Residency Programme, coordinated locally by Monaghan Education Centre. Tá an t-ádh orainn.The aim of Blast is to provide pupils a time and space to work with a professional artist on...
Oíche Shamhna!

Oíche Shamhna!

Bhí ceiliúradh mór againn do Oíche Shamhna sa scoil. Rinne gach clann puimcín! Bhí siad le feiceáil istigh sa scoil imbliana mar bhí an lá fliuch. All the families in the school worked hard to create and carve their special pumpkin. Other Halloween art work was also...