Deravoy NS
Learn. Educate. Grow.Welcome to our website
Principal's Welcome
On behalf of the staff and pupils of Deravoy N.S., I would like to warmly welcome you to our school website.
Our school is located at the heart of an extremely supportive community here in Carrickroe. A community that thrives due to the strong links forged between home, school, parish and the wider community.
Our talented teaching staff aims to provide our pupils with a high standard of education and to foster exploration, discovery and enjoyment. We aspire to help each child to reach their full potential, making friends and memories along the way.
We are incredibly proud of our school and wish to celebrate our children’s achievements. We hope our website gives you a small taste of all that is great in Deravoy N.S.
Thank you for visiting.
Sheenagh Currie

News & Events
Réalt na Seachtaine 7/2/2025
Handball Finalists
We are incredibly proud of Shona and Jane who...
St. Brigid’s Day Lá le Bríde
At Deravoy, we celebrated our national saint,...
Réalt na Seachtaine 17/1/2025
Our resident artist on the Blast Creative School Arts Programme
The children from fifth and sixth classes are...
An Aimsir
An mbeidh fheabhas ag teacht ar an aimsir? Is...
An Nuacht
Éist le nuacht na seachtaine! Listen and watch...
Breaking News
Watch and listen to today’s news from Deravoy...
Réalt na Seachtaine 10/01/2025
Gymnastics in Deravoy in Term 2
Seanfhocal na míosa.
Our new seanfhocal is… ‘Is ait a mac a saol.’...
An Aimsir
Nach bhfuil sé fuar? Éist leis an aimsir! Táimid...
An Nuacht
Éist leis an nuacht inniu! An chéad scéal san...
Our News
Tune into the first news bulletin of the year,...
Annual Admission Notice
Christmas Performances
There was huge excitement as the children...
Cuairteoir Speisialta …….Santa
Tháinig cuairteoir speisialta go dtí ár scoil ar...
Christmas is coming!
We are looking forward to Santa coming to...
Contact Details
Address: Deravoy, Carrickroe, Co Monaghan, Ireland.
H18 PY11
Telephone: +(353) 87755
School Hours: M-F: 9.20am – 3pm