That was the question for our recent regional semi final Concern debate and our school were competing against Shercock N.S. Our team was speaking against the motion and there was tremendous anticipation leading up to the debate. The adjudicator complimented both teams’ excellent speakers, their great breadth of research and the team work involved. He referred to the role of sport in society and how sport can actually bring people together in many situations. He referred to the arguments on inequality and racism in sport. He reminded the children that the knowledge and insight they gained through this debate was important and in their own participation in sport. The motion wasn’t carried and so Deravoy progress to the final. Comhghairdeachas don fhoireann uilig. Well done to all the rang a cúig agus rang a sé who contributed to this success. Maith sibh gan dabht! Bhí áthas an domhain ar gach duine. We are now in the regional final which is taking place at the beginning of March. Ádh mór don fhoireann! Doire Bhoithe abú!