All Ireland trophy comes to Deravoy

All Ireland trophy comes to Deravoy

We were privileged and absolutely thrilled to welcome back our past pupils Cathal Mac Anespie and Pearse Mc Kenna, who brought in the winning All Ireland Cup, the Lory Meagher Cup for winning the All Ireland Hurling Final for County Monaghan. It is a great honour for...
Artist in Residence

Artist in Residence

As part of our continuing creative schools’ initiatives, we have an artist working in our school, in partnership with some of the teachers. It’s the TAP Programme, which is run in conjunction with our local Monaghan Education Centre. This year Mary Murphy from Armagh,...
Seanfhocal do Dheireadh Fómhair

Seanfhocal do Dheireadh Fómhair

Gach mí foghlaimid seanfhocal. Every month at Doire Bhoithe, we learn a seanfhocal. This month, we learned ‘Níl aon tinteán mar dó thinteán féin!’There’s no place like home! Sin an seanfhocal do Dheireadh Fómhair.
Cáca Úll! Ag Cócaireacht!

Cáca Úll! Ag Cócaireacht!

Bhí rang a trí agus rang a ceathair ag cócaireacht inniu. Bhí siad ag cócaireacht le plúr agus siúcra agus uibheacha agus úlla a bhí gearrtha suas! Cócairí íontacha iad gan dabht! Bhí na cácaí blasta!