Seanfhocal na Míosa

Seanfhocal na Míosa

Seo an seanfhocal do mí Meithimh! This is our last seanfhocal of the year! It means that there are lots of stories to be told when we travel and adventures. Bain taitneamh as. There is always great wisdom in these old Irish proverbs and it’s important to appreciate...
Doire Bhoithe abú!

Doire Bhoithe abú!

A brilliantly entertaining performance from our cailíní in the Cumann na mBunscoil County Final on Thursday 13th of May. We were playing against Scoil Bhríde N.S. Tyholland. Thanks to parents and supporters who attended the match and all the children of the school who...
Fuaireamar ár nGaelbhratach! Gaeilge abú!

Fuaireamar ár nGaelbhratach! Gaeilge abú!

Tá áthas orainn go bhfuaireamar ár nGaelbhratach arís imbliana. We are delighted to get our Gaelbhratach again this year and we are very proud of it. Íontach bródúil dár ndóigh! Rinneamar ár ndícheall an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn i rith na bliana inár scoil. Rinneamar...
Concern Debate Award

Concern Debate Award

Our school was really delighted to be cordially invited and to receive one of the special awards at this year’s Concern Debate Final which took place in the Helix in Dublin City University on the 12th of June. Our award was for our team’s ‘incredibleenthusiasm and...
Spórt sa pháirc!

Spórt sa pháirc!

We had great fun on the field. Different stations were organised and the children absolutely loved them! Obstacle courses, parachute games, javelin throwing, target games! Thanks to the middle and senior classes for creating and coordinating all of the stations! Bhí...
An Fáinne Airgid

An Fáinne Airgid

Tá an-áthas orainn go bhfuair na páistí ó rang a sé an fáinne airgid sa Ghaeilge. Bhí siad ag cleachtadh na gceisteanna don scrúdú bhéil. Bhí siad beagáinín neirbhíseach agus iad ag ullmhú ach d’eirigh leo an fáinne airgid a fháil. Ár mbuíochas don mholtóir Gráinne...