

We held our first Friday Tionól of the academic year on Friday. It was great to see all the children back at school. There was a very special welcome for all our  new junior infants agus chuireamar fáilte roimh ár múinteoir nua fosta! Rang a cúig agus rang a sé led...
Buddy Reading at Deravoy

Buddy Reading at Deravoy

Our buddy reading project is already up and running at Deravoy. It’s an opportunity for an older reader with more advanced reading skills to act as a buddy or a mentor to a younger reader in a relaxed learning environment in the different classrooms in the school. It...


Céad míle fáilte to our new junior infants. They are already settling so well into their new class. The naoináin beaga have begun their new journey of learning in our primary school and are enjoying the opportunities and experiences with their friends.We also welcome...
Turas Scoile 2024

Turas Scoile 2024

The middle and senior classes had a very enjoyable school tour at Castleblayney Adventure Centre at Lough Muckno. The children were divided into three groups there and then took turns at three different activities. Tree climbing was particularlychallenging but with...
Junior School Tour

Junior School Tour

Junior Infants, Senior Infants, First and Second Class had a wonderful time on their school tour recently. We visited Monaghan Fire Station where we got a tour of the station, got into a fire engine and even had a turn with the fire hose. It was great fun. Next, we...