Oíche Shamhna!

Oíche Shamhna!

Bhí ceiliúradh mór againn do Oíche Shamhna sa scoil. Rinne gach clann puimcín! Bhí siad le feiceáil istigh sa scoil imbliana mar bhí an lá fliuch. All the families in the school worked hard to create and carve their special pumpkin. Other Halloween art work was also...
Dress Up Day at Deravoy!

Dress Up Day at Deravoy!

We held our annual Dress Up Day on the day of our Halloween holidays, when the children dressed up as their favourite book characters and then introduced their characters to everyone. Their presentations were well thought out and delivered confidently. We meet a lot...
Parkanaur Day 2

Parkanaur Day 2

Our final day on the Speedwell Project brought us back again to Parkanaur Forest Park near Dungannon. We met our friends from Killylea Primary School. We reflected on the programme and how we have learned so much from each other. Once again, our mixed school groups...