Our school took part in the national day of creativity, an initiative that endeavours to celebrate and highlight creativity in our schools. Yes it was Fuadar Feabhra month and we chose Friday  28th of February to celebrate it in style.
Our classrooms and hall transformed into an art studio, a dance studio, a music studio and a place to plant.
The children explored many different forms of print. They collected various shapes and textures that they could create their imaginative pictures. They absolutely marvelled at their marbling print  creations! Doing the gel prints also went down a treat.
The music studio enabled the children to compose their own music using an array of percussion instruments.
The dance studio provided opportunities for creative dance, exploring and developing routines with different kinds of music.
How relaxing it was for the children to plant sunflowers and design their very own pots.
A wonderfully creative inspiring and imaginative and exciting day for everyone.
Bhain  gach duine taitneamh as an lá speisialta seo.