We had a wonderful turnout of grandparents and grand friends at our annual Grandparents Day on 31st of May, a very strong tradition in our school. We are always so appreciative of that extra special role our grandparents play in the lives of our children. Tháinig na seanthuistí ó chian is ó chóngar! We were mindful too of the grandparents, great grandparents, grand uncles and grand aunts who couldn’t be present with us this year and those who have passed away, in particular those who passed away since this time last year. Suaimhneas síoraí dóibh uilig. The children entertained with lots of songs and poems as Béarla agus as Gaeilge. We had a number of items that specifically celebrated and honoured grandparents. The clár included ‘Walking with Grandpa, Grandma We Love You, Hocaí Pócaí, an Abba Medley, The Winding Lanes of Truagh and The Transit Van. There was even a dramatised seanfhocal and some conversational Spanish learned at our Spanish classes. Some traditional music from all the classes, with the help of Francis, added to the occasion. The children did lots of art work to decorate the hall. We are extremely grateful to all the parents who brought in and served the scrumptious treats at the interval.
Go mbeirimid beo ar an am seo arís!