Comhghairdeachas to our senior classes for reaching the final of the Concern Debating competition, organised in this region by Monaghan Education Centre. The whole class has worked extremely hard brainstorming ideas, researching and writing speeches. Some of the children also acted as chairpersons and timekeepers while others were part of the speaking team for each debate. The motions have been extremely challenging and children gain a deeper understanding of the global issues affecting millions of people. The motions included
”The voting age should be lowered to 16.” “If we really care about climate change, we should fly less.” We look forward to the final, to be held in Monaghan Education Centre, Ionad Oideachais Mhuineacháin. The motion relates to food wastage in households. Ádh mór ar na páistí! Rath Dé ar an obair!