All of our pupils from 1st to 6th Class can access the Accelerated Reading quizzes from home between 9a.m and 4p.m. Usernames and passwords are in the home work journals. Pupils should continue to read for 20 minutes daily and complete ‘reading practice quizzes’, ‘vocabulary quizzes’ and ‘literacy skills quizzes’. Some book titles may have only reading practice available.
It is important that you copy and paste the address below or use the link provided by text message when trying to access quizzes.
Your child can search for quizzes on books they have read at home by typing in the title. AR books from school will have a code. If your child is a member of a library, you will be able to access digital books through the app Borrow Box. Many of the books in the library have AR quizzes.
Bain taitneamh as an léitheoireacht!