Great excitement abounded in our school at the announcement that Heather Humphreys, Minister of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, along with the Deputy Director General of Science Foundation Ireland, Dr. Ciarán Seoighe were going to present this year’s STEM award to the school. The award recognised achievements of the children and teachers in applying Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in their curriculum and included keeping a log of activities such as class investigations, experiments and projects.
The visitors really engaged very impressively with the children questioning them and inviting comments and opinions. They remarked on how confident and competent the children were and that it was obvious that they had a huge interest in Science and all the STEM subjects. The school community felt very honoured and privileged to have these two distinguished guests, who are at the helm of science and business innovation in this country, in Deravoy School. Go mbeirimid beo ar an am seo arís freisin ! It was a memorable and historic occasion.