At Deravoy, we celebrated our national saint, Naomh Bríd, in different ways. Every child in the school made a St. Brigid’s cross. Our buddies from rang a cúig agus rang a sé helped the infant and junior classes. This has been a long tradition in our school now, initially started with Granny Annie coming in and helping us to make the crosses. Leaba i measc na naomh go raibh aici anois. We remember her in a special way at this time. We also learned stories associated with the life of Saint Brigid. We sang and listened to music about Saint Brigid. At our weekly Tionól, we sang ‘Sing a song to Brigid’.
Naomh Bríd, guí orainn. Saint Brigid, pray for us.
“Gabhaim molta Bríghde
Ionmhain í le hÉireann
Ionmhain le gach tír í
Molaimis go léir í